Healing Frequency

Did you know everything you do or say is regulated by the frequency of brain waves?

Read this if you are interested in frequency & some nerdy facts about our brainwaves and how it is involved in reiki healings:

During Reiki Healings we come from the Concious into the Subconscious. Letting the rational mind be on hold for a while and we dive into the Theta State (most of the times). Healing happens in any state were healing is needed. it is beautiful, poetic world when enter in the theta state - somewhere between being asleep and awake, surrendering to the energy that carries you.

There are four main frequency brain waves:
Theta - where we go in the reiki healings
These brain waves are in constant motion, the brain produces consistent waves at all frequencies.

When we talk to others, for example, our mind is in Beta.
▫️Beta wave has a frequency of 14-28 cycles per second. Beta is the state in which you are active and alert.
▪️Alpha state, your brain waves move at a frequency between 7-14 cycles per second. The frequency of Alpha is a mental state of deep relaxation and meditation. Alpha is the bridge between Beta and Theta Wave

Alpha governs daydreams, fantasy, and denotes a state of consciousness detached and relaxed. People who have problems with this frequency will have difficulty in remembering.
For example, are you aware of a particular dream or meditation that was very deep, but do not come to mind the details, it means you have not generated sufficient frequency in Alpha. You had no bridge between the subconscious and the conscious mind.
▫️Theta brain waves. That's where we go in Reiki Healings. Measured at 4-7 Hz, are the brain frequencies of the barely conscious states just before sleeping and just after awakening.

Theta is the intriguing border between the conscious and the subconscious worlds. ... While in a theta state, the mind is capable of deep and profound learning, healing and growth.

Theta brain waves can be considered the subconscious; they stimulate the part of our mind that lies between the conscious and the unconscious and retain memories and feelings. Also direct your beliefs and your behavior.
Theta waves are always creative, characterized by feelings of inspiration and very spiritual.
It is believed that this mental state allows you to act below the level of the conscious mind.

At last Delta is the state of mind when you're in a deep sleep. In Delta brain waves are slowed down to a frequency that varies between 0-4 cycles per second. It is the wave that you use when the phone rings and you already know who's calling.
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