Feeling Fullfilled & Finding Purpose

Raise your hand if this speaks to you
You have listened to motivational speakers, have signed up to free online programs that you didn't finish? You were motivated and had lots of passion in the beginning - for one or two hours you saw the vision clearly and then it faded?
After a while the old voices came back of “that’s too big for you”, or writing it off with “others do it better anyway”, “Lets just stay in this familiar space, where nobody judges us - laughs about our dreams”.  
iI you have tried so many things but it hasn't worked, it might be because you have tried to change yourself instead of working with yourself.   
If you want to:
▫️Step up - and into your power by owning your gifts.
▫️Embrace & live life according to your own truth.
▫️Align yourself with your soul purpose.

But you don’t know where to start?

In my experience of working with amazing women (and men) most of them know what they want - but something blocks them from getting there.
You might have built layers of self destructive thoughts (unworthiness, shame, guilt) over years - limiting beliefs that hold you back.
Through the experiences you have made, you built protection mechanisms. You were hurt by loved ones that didn't see your magnificence instead they said you are too much, asked you to be a little less, a little quieter, a little less complicated, a bit more normal.
This is not about changing who you are or fixing you (nothing to be fixed). It's about embracing your unique gifts and realigning with your souls purpose
What it is about:

▫️Build confidence in order to speak your truth.
▫️Align yourself with your soul purpose / Find your soul’s calling.
▫️Step up - and into your power by owning your gifts.
▫️Embrace & live life according to your own truth.
▫️Find balance and clarity.

If this speaks to you and you want to know more on how I can support you reach out and send me a message.