Self Worth & Limiting Beliefs

I was always making money. Until I started to follow my dreams. 

When I left my Job (it took me 3times before I left for good) to find out what my Soul's plan was, I survived mainly by living off my savings. 

I was comfortable earning 7'000 Dollars working in Marketing, where my impact was on a Beauty Product but was really uncomfortable to ask for money for Yoga Classes and later Healings & Coaching.

I was giving Energy Healings for free and I even asked people proactively if they would want to have a Healing. I would love to spend whole afternoons in Cafes "processing" strangers' lives. I loved it every time somebody would open up and we would dive into their lives and find the missing piece to their story they needed. Almost like a project I wished we could go deeper into their psyche, unravel more.

My own Self-Worth never got addressed. Why didn't I offer my gifts as an impactful and highly valued service? I thought people would be more comfortable paying 150.- for a face cream than a life changing healing, where we uncover some deep shit that has been causing them worries and pain. life changing stuff. 

Your own self-worth challenges can be hidden and strongly limiting. Limiting beliefs. Whenever you know what you really want but you are just not getting it and  can't take the first steps. That's where to start.

For me it was mostly about the worth of my offerings & time... About how can i charge money for healing.... Not being good enough to go visible in front of others. Maybe for you its being received into a loving relationship, owning your own business, putting all on one card, stepping into your own souls calling, speaking your truth,  leaving your relationship. 

It can be challenging to uncover your limiting beliefs about self-worth. They have been hiding in your subconscious for a long time without being visible. 

In my work these limiting beliefs are a big part, as they are the "devil's voice" holding you back (often keeping you safe - in your comfort zone away from what people might say) from achieving a dream you’ve been unconsciously holding back of.

What exactly are you saying to yourself? Do you know for yourself? 

A little example: “Who am I to do that?", "No one will take me seriously or will listen to me.” Or, “I just don’t know enough about it yet, I need to XX first.”
By the way that's a big one I hear often "I have more healing/training/achievements to do"
That you need another certificate, another course, another healing session before you take the step.
You run the risk of getting into the rabbit hole of "not there yet" / "not ready yet".
Once you hear it, instead of saying to yourself "come on just do it. i hear i am telling myself this excuses, just do it"

So by suppressing the voice and beating yourself about beating yourself up - you most probably won't feel more worthy and confident.
Instead ask yourself: What does this part of me need? What is it scared of? How does it feel? Angry, worried, frustrated?

Incorporate your body and sense where this emotion lives in your body, and stay with it. Breathe into a sensation without changing it. No outcome expected, mostly that's what is needed for it to shift and we witness transformation and resolve.

Do you have some of these voices telling you the stories? let me know i am curious