Fnck this playing small.

I am so passionate about this, because during my work I realise that most people are not fully stepping into their power. Not shining the bright light that they are.

We mostly are either hiding and playing small, not showing our power and strength. - Or we are hiding by trying to overachieve, to be louder, hide behind a title, to distract from who we really and protecting ourselves.And I think it's fncked. You are magnificent. You truly are.

I look at people I work with - my clients & friends. They are incredible incredible, radiant, strong, amazing, talented beings and they are afraid to show it. Why not shine that light?

My approach in my work is yes, to process the past and dive deep into your being. Letting the trauma and hurt be seen and held. Recognizing whats holding you back.

What stories have been unconciously going on:

"Not being good enough. Not worthy of love. Being a failure." As much as - realigning with your magnificence.your divinity. your spark. your specialness. stepping into your power & greatest version of yourself. If there would be a goal - then this would be it. .