Learn to see Aura's

Learn to see Aura’s

The aura is essentially a field of subtle, luminous electro magnetic radiation surrounding a physical thing. The word surround gets us off track when it comes to understanding auras because in reality, your aura is entirely in and of you.

We associate auras with only living things but in truth, all things that are physical (whether they be living or not) have an aura.

Now here is the thing most people don’t understand about auras, even though you can emanate or radiate energy, you are not in fact giving off or creating your aura as much as your aura is giving off and creating you.

An aura simultaneously contains information that it puts off, you could think of it like an electromagnetic form of consciousness that both transmits and receives.

Some people with energetic vibrations that are high enough to find resonance with thought forms can interpret them through their normal senses.

Most people think that auras are just about the colors. But auras can be felt/interpreted as having different sounds, sizes, shapes, patterns, textures and colors.

Any or all of these characteristics of an aura can tell an energy work practitioner what areas need to be focused on.They could perceive a nearly complete story of who you are and what led to you being who you are.

Your aura will respond to the thoughts you are thinking and change its characteristics to match those thoughts. If you are thinking a negative thought with enough regularity, it will show up in this “thought form” we call the aura first, and then it will show up in your physical body.

Why should we learn to see auras?

For some people, seeing auras is really about being able to feel special and more legitimately spiritual.
For some people, it is just about the excitement of how cool it would be to see those kinds of things.
For some people, it is a promise that there is more to life than meets the eye.

No matter what your reason is, whether it comes from a shadow aspect of yourself like an insecurity or whether it comes from the conscious aspect of yourself, it is important that you know what your reasons for wanting to see auras are and to be very honest about that with yourself.

So, for those of you who want to see auras, the first thing you need to ask yourself is: Why do I want to see auras?

For me it allows you to perceive the multi dimensional universe. Not only that, it allows you to really see into others. We are playing a guessing game with each other because we do not really know each other well enough to see the full picture of what is going on. There is too much room for projection in a state like that. Seeing auras, allows you to develop greater levels of intimacy with all people.

Let's dive more into "Seeing Aura's"

Let’s be clear, there is a difference between seeing auras and perceiving auras.

The primary ways people perceive extrasensory information is by feeling it emotionally, feeling it physically, seeing it, and knowing it.

It is best to figure out how you already naturally perceive extrasensory things.
Some people find it natural to feel auras emotionally, some people will find it natural to physically feel them, some people will find it natural to see them and others will find it natural to know what they look like and contain without even seeing or feeling them.

Some people are obsessed with seeing auras, often close themselves down to perceiving auras because they are so focused on seeing them that they ignore the way they already perceive them.

1. Seeing the aura is just one way to perceive the aura. Look for the ways you most naturally perceive energy and get even better at that. Work with the ability you already have. Develop that talent even more and it will spill over so that you will begin to see auras. Most people feel the aura long before they see the aura.

2. The “tuning into” auras technique :
Have someone stand 1, 2 meters away from you against a blank background.
When you are just starting out, auras are much easier to see against a white or black (no pattern) background.

The eye is designed to focus. It is through this focusing that the eye learns to ignore what is in its peripheral vision. Usually, like a camera, whatever you focus on is clear whereas whatever you don’t focus on is blurry. In order to begin to see auras, we need to become aware of what is out of focus to our eye.

To do this, pick a spot on the person’s upper body like a person’s third eye or a person’s Adam’s apple or their sternum. I find that focusing on the third eye, or the middle of their forehead works best for people learning how to see auras.

Practice focusing hard on that one point on their body and then relaxing your focus with your eye muscles by mentally repeating relax in your head while consciously letting go of any tension in the muscles behind your eyes.

It is much easier for the beginner to see auras when the muscles behind the eye are relaxed.
Now, without shifting your focus and without shifting the actual position of your eyes, shift your attention and awareness to what is out of focus. Shift your attention to what you are seeing with the sight of your eyes.

Keep in mind that at first, the aura will look very transparent, like heat waves on a hot summer day. Once you see that transparent halo around a person, keep your attention exactly in that place and keep looking at it in exactly that way. Just notice and observe it. At first, this may feel tiring to your eyes. This is normal.

As you keep looking at it, you are tuning into the frequency of perceiving it and in this universe, anything you give your attention to, you will get more of and so what you’ll start to notice is the aura will come more into focus, making it seem like the aura is growing in size and you may start to see color appear closer to the skin as the mantle of the aura moves outward. Color may not be the only thing you perceive. You may start to see different textures or movements in it or patterns in it.

Turn it into a meditative practice, where you are open to observing for as long as it takes. Whatever we resist persists and this will help you to release enough resistance to not seeing the aura that you will begin to see it. It doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you and it doesn’t mean you are any less spiritual if it takes a long time for you to see auras.

Learn to see your own aura

By using this exact same technique, to begin, extend your hand out in front of you.In front of a white or black background with your fingers comfortably apart and focus in the center of your hand then relaxing your focus.

Keep it there while shifting your attention to the periphery until you begin to see that same haze in between your fingers and around your hand.

You can also pull a mirror to a place where you are able to stand in front of a solid white or black background and repeat the exact same technique for seeing someone else’s aura, but with your own reflection in the mirror.

The Most Powerful Questions - ask yourself...

Questions are the most powerful way to unfold and unravel the layers… The better the question = the better the answer.

One of the most important thing about a question is to realize, that a person learns far more from the process and work that is involved in answering a question than from the actual answer itself.

This is why spiritual teachers throughout history (including myself) use questions to guide their students rather than to simply offer a direct answer. And with the right questions, you become your own guide and teacher.

For this reason, I have selected the collection of 100 of the most powerful questions to ask yourself.

  1. What do I really want for myself at this point in my life and why do I want it?

  2. What am I willing to struggle for?

  3. What specific risks am I willing to take to be happy?

  4. What do I want badly enough that I will say YES to any of the downsides that might come with that thing?

  5. What am I so committed to that no amount of failure could prevent me from continuing to do it or to aim for it?

  6. If I knew that life was not only roses, but also thorns, and I had to choose my thorns, what thorns would I choose… What pain will I choose or say YES to?

  7. Who do I feel I am meant to be in this life?

  8. What do I feel I am meant to do in this life?

  9. Imagining that I died yesterday, what would I regret? What things would I have done differently? What things am I glad that I did? If I got another shot at life and was brought back to life today, what would I now have the courage to do that I didn't while I was alive? And what advice would I give to myself sitting right here in this chair today if after my death, I could come back to this moment?

  10. Who do I need to be to achieve my purpose?

  11. What do I not know?

  12. If I had all the money in the world and could never run out of it, what would I do with my time, energy and resources?

  13. What would I still do even if I never made any money doing it?

  14. What If I lost everything yesterday and so I no longer had anything to lose… What would I do if I had nothing to lose?

  15. What is the number one belief in my life that holds me back and prevents me from getting what I want in life?

  16. If I were to watch myself like a fly on a wall, based on what I am seeing relative to my thoughts, words, routines and actions, where can I expect to be in five years?

  17. If I knew that I was going to die one year from today, what would I do with that time?

  18. What gift am I meant to give this world in this life?

  19. What do I want people to say about me behind my back and how do I want to be remembered?

  20. If my six-year-old self could see me today, what would he or she think of me? What would he or she want me to change?

  21. What makes me forget to eat and sleep?

  22. When do I remember feeling the happiest in my childhood and why?

  23. What would I take a stand for and what would I take a stand against?

  24. What would I risk my life for and why?

  25. What about my life is worth smiling about right now?

  26. What makes me feel unfulfilled and sad in the life I am currently living?

  27. What do I complain about more than anything else?

  28. What do I want my life to be in service of?

  29. If I did one thing for myself, not anyone else for the rest of my life, what would it be?

  30. What have I done in the past that is the most meaningful to me?

  31. What do I want my being to be in service of or to be used as a tool for?

  32. What was the defining moment that changed my life forever?

  33. If a magic Genie gave me one wish to make for myself, what would that wish be and why?

  34. What am I pretending to not know?

  35. What pain from the past am I still holding on to that is holding me back today?

  36. What one sentence will come to define my life?

  37. What do I not want others to know about me?

  38. What am I naturally good /talented at?

  39. What would I leave as it is in my current life and what would I change?

  40. What am I doing in my life just because I “should” not because I truly want to?

  41. What makes me feel great about myself?

  42. What am I most grateful for in my life right now?

  43. What problem do I want to solve?

  44. If my house was burning and I could only save one item (not a person or pet), what would it be and why?

  45. What is my #1 value today and why?

  46. What conflict is not resolved in my life?

  47. What is my hidden agenda and why is it hidden?

  48. What is something I keep telling myself that I will do when I have the time or resources?

  49. If I could change my life somehow with no risk, what would I change? And knowing that, what risk am I trying to avoid by not changing?

  50. What would I be willing to lose everything for, including the closeness/connection with the people who are the closest to me now (i.e.: friends and family) if I knew it would 100% guarantee me that thing?

  51. What pain am I holding on to as a testament of my love for someone or something?

  52. What point of view currently threatens me and why?

  53. How do I define success for me personally? And how do I define success for others?

  54. How am I currently neglecting or harming myself?

  55. What expectation do I need to let go of right now?

  56. What am I not taking responsibility for that I know I need to take responsibility for?

  57. What armor do I use to protect my vulnerability?

  58. How do I separate myself?

  59. What do I say I “can’t" to?

  60. Who or what do I blame?

  61. Who or what is my scapegoat?

  62. What would I try if I had no fear?

  63. What would I most like to do for someone else if I had the time, money and resources?

  64. What is the worst thing that I do to myself right now in my life?

  65. What is the best thing that I do for myself right now in my life?

  66. What assumption do I make chronically that is getting in my way?

  67. What do I currently feel has power over me? And how might I reclaim my power from it?

  68. If I could start my life over, what would I do differently?

  69. Who do I envy and why? And how could I bring those things that I envy into my own life experience?

  70. Whose life would I trade places with and why?

  71. What do I love to do for others?

  72. If I’m given one wish, but I can’t use it on myself, what would I wish for and for what/who?

  73. A singer notices a talented vocalist, a car mechanic notices a well-made engine. What do I notice?

  74. When do I feel most alive?

  75. What would I do if I knew I couldn’t fail?

  76. What is my rut? In what area of healing or progress am I blocked or stuck no matter how hard I try to fix it?

  77. If I had to leave my house all day, every day, where would I go and what would I do?

  78. What do I appreciate about myself?

  79. What am I overcompensating for?

  80. What do I do that doesn’t seem like work, regardless of the difficulty?

  81. What is calling me? What desires keep tugging at my heart?

  82. How do I make myself bigger and how do I make myself smaller than I am?

  83. What do I refuse to accept about my reality?

  84. What is timeless, ageless and unchanging in me?

  85. What am I avoiding right now and why?

  86. What have I lost?

  87. What am I currently allowing?

  88. What makes me lose my connection to myself and what makes me get that connection back?

  89. What do I love too much to turn into a profession?

  90. Who needs to know that I love them? And what keeps me from expressing that love to them?

  91. Who am I seeking approval and validation from and why?

  92. What am I currently afraid of?

  93. Whose torch am I carrying and why?

  94. What am I running from and what am I rushing toward and why?

  95. What am I repeating?

  96. If I was someone else, so I was able to see myself from the outside and in a dis-identified way, what advice would I give to myself?

  97. If I were to be brutally honest, what is my priority at this time in my life and why?

  98. What risk am I taking and what risk am I not taking right now and why?

  99. What am I giving to get?

  100. What do I hear in the silence?

Self Worth & Limiting Beliefs

I was always making money. Until I started to follow my dreams. 

When I left my Job (it took me 3times before I left for good) to find out what my Soul's plan was, I survived mainly by living off my savings. 

I was comfortable earning 7'000 Dollars working in Marketing, where my impact was on a Beauty Product but was really uncomfortable to ask for money for Yoga Classes and later Healings & Coaching.

I was giving Energy Healings for free and I even asked people proactively if they would want to have a Healing. I would love to spend whole afternoons in Cafes "processing" strangers' lives. I loved it every time somebody would open up and we would dive into their lives and find the missing piece to their story they needed. Almost like a project I wished we could go deeper into their psyche, unravel more.

My own Self-Worth never got addressed. Why didn't I offer my gifts as an impactful and highly valued service? I thought people would be more comfortable paying 150.- for a face cream than a life changing healing, where we uncover some deep shit that has been causing them worries and pain. life changing stuff. 

Your own self-worth challenges can be hidden and strongly limiting. Limiting beliefs. Whenever you know what you really want but you are just not getting it and  can't take the first steps. That's where to start.

For me it was mostly about the worth of my offerings & time... About how can i charge money for healing.... Not being good enough to go visible in front of others. Maybe for you its being received into a loving relationship, owning your own business, putting all on one card, stepping into your own souls calling, speaking your truth,  leaving your relationship. 

It can be challenging to uncover your limiting beliefs about self-worth. They have been hiding in your subconscious for a long time without being visible. 

In my work these limiting beliefs are a big part, as they are the "devil's voice" holding you back (often keeping you safe - in your comfort zone away from what people might say) from achieving a dream you’ve been unconsciously holding back of.

What exactly are you saying to yourself? Do you know for yourself? 

A little example: “Who am I to do that?", "No one will take me seriously or will listen to me.” Or, “I just don’t know enough about it yet, I need to XX first.”
By the way that's a big one I hear often "I have more healing/training/achievements to do"
That you need another certificate, another course, another healing session before you take the step.
You run the risk of getting into the rabbit hole of "not there yet" / "not ready yet".
Once you hear it, instead of saying to yourself "come on just do it. i hear i am telling myself this excuses, just do it"

So by suppressing the voice and beating yourself about beating yourself up - you most probably won't feel more worthy and confident.
Instead ask yourself: What does this part of me need? What is it scared of? How does it feel? Angry, worried, frustrated?

Incorporate your body and sense where this emotion lives in your body, and stay with it. Breathe into a sensation without changing it. No outcome expected, mostly that's what is needed for it to shift and we witness transformation and resolve.

Do you have some of these voices telling you the stories? let me know i am curious

Feeling Fullfilled & Finding Purpose

Raise your hand if this speaks to you
You have listened to motivational speakers, have signed up to free online programs that you didn't finish? You were motivated and had lots of passion in the beginning - for one or two hours you saw the vision clearly and then it faded?
After a while the old voices came back of “that’s too big for you”, or writing it off with “others do it better anyway”, “Lets just stay in this familiar space, where nobody judges us - laughs about our dreams”.  
iI you have tried so many things but it hasn't worked, it might be because you have tried to change yourself instead of working with yourself.   
If you want to:
▫️Step up - and into your power by owning your gifts.
▫️Embrace & live life according to your own truth.
▫️Align yourself with your soul purpose.

But you don’t know where to start?

In my experience of working with amazing women (and men) most of them know what they want - but something blocks them from getting there.
You might have built layers of self destructive thoughts (unworthiness, shame, guilt) over years - limiting beliefs that hold you back.
Through the experiences you have made, you built protection mechanisms. You were hurt by loved ones that didn't see your magnificence instead they said you are too much, asked you to be a little less, a little quieter, a little less complicated, a bit more normal.
This is not about changing who you are or fixing you (nothing to be fixed). It's about embracing your unique gifts and realigning with your souls purpose
What it is about:

▫️Build confidence in order to speak your truth.
▫️Align yourself with your soul purpose / Find your soul’s calling.
▫️Step up - and into your power by owning your gifts.
▫️Embrace & live life according to your own truth.
▫️Find balance and clarity.

If this speaks to you and you want to know more on how I can support you reach out and send me a message.



It’s a powerful combination of energy work that brings you into the state where you can access your subconscious -  where your limiting beliefs live, where the unconscious voice speaks words that keep you playing small.

We work through processing the past and uncovering what blocks you. Implement it into your life and set a path to invite the new. For you to step into your power and let go of what has been holding you back to take the steps.

We dive into a deep journey together.

This is ONE Transformational Healing Journey that addresses TWO paths.

▪️One path dives into the past where we will uncover the root cause of what holds you back.

▪️And One path journeys into the beautiful unfolding of your soul aligned life path.

This can be painful and scary as much as it will be freeing and enriching. You will receive so much lifelong value out of this journey.

If you want to know more send me a message and we'll connect.

Healing Frequency

Healing Frequency

During Reiki Healings we come from the Concious into the Subconscious. Letting the rational mind be on hold for a while and we dive into the Theta State (most of the times). Healing happens in any state were healing is needed. it is beautiful, poetic world when enter in the theta state - somewhere between being asleep and awake, surrendering to the energy that carries you.

Own your Gifts

Over the past few days I had many conversations around, stepping into your power and sharing your offering.

Interestingly it's easier to share other peoples quotes and beautiful services that resonate with us, than our own voice. I think a lot of times we can hide behind somebody elses wisdom when actually we have so much to share.

But its the fear of judgement of others "being too XX " so we hide in our comfortzone.

If we hide in the " I don't know what it is that i want to share with the world" - I say that's an excuse.

If we hide behind " i need to do this and the other training first before i can go out in to the world" - that's an excuse.

Most people I see have done so much work, so many trainings but feel fear of stepping forward. claiming there voice. TAKING UP SPACE.

And there are benfits behind these beliefs - they keep us safe. keep us in our comfort zone. Safe from judgement and criticise from others. Because you can't do anything wrong if you don't do anything.

You have so much knowledge, you are an expert in your field, whatever it is. and you know it. you can speak hours about it. share your gifts and committ to doing so. Decide on what you want and have your back for your decision. Take one little step after the other.  Always coming back to your Heart and Your Truths.


Fnck this playing small.

I am so passionate about this, because during my work I realise that most people are not fully stepping into their power. Not shining the bright light that they are.

We mostly are either hiding and playing small, not showing our power and strength. - Or we are hiding by trying to overachieve, to be louder, hide behind a title, to distract from who we really and protecting ourselves.And I think it's fncked. You are magnificent. You truly are.

I look at people I work with - my clients & friends. They are incredible incredible, radiant, strong, amazing, talented beings and they are afraid to show it. Why not shine that light?

My approach in my work is yes, to process the past and dive deep into your being. Letting the trauma and hurt be seen and held. Recognizing whats holding you back.

What stories have been unconciously going on:

"Not being good enough. Not worthy of love. Being a failure." As much as - realigning with your magnificence.your divinity. your spark. your specialness. stepping into your power & greatest version of yourself. If there would be a goal - then this would be it. .

If you had one more year to live...

I quit my job 3 times before leaving for good.

The third time, I still feel in my bones. I was standing in the bathroom getting ready for work, when i felt tension in my left hip and pain in my left breast. The thought of an illness spreading in my body and taking over.
My mum had cancer, so I had this fear about being sick almost once a month. This time I catched myself feeling relieved about the thought: "if i am sick, i would for sure not go to work".

I couldn't believe myself... I couldn't be serious? As if I need to wait to be sick to follow my dreams. The fear of having 1 more year to live felt like a relief and excuse to do what I love. I still ask myself often, If i had only 1 more year to live....

If YOU had only one more year to live? What would you do? What wouldn’t you do?

This question has helped me break down so many concepts of how to go through life. let me to evaluate where I put my energy towards and to follow my inner voice, my inner knowing and allowing not have to work hard to be of value.

I believe when I am doing the work on myself - it heals my mothers wounds, my grandmother and her mother. I believe it heals my someday daughter, and her daughter. 

shape your life from the essence

shape your life from the essence

melani koch reiki master ubud

When you have the courage to shape your life from the essence of who you are, you ignite, becoming truly alive. This requires letting go of everything that is inauthentic.

How can you even know your truth unless you slow down, in your own quiet company? When the inner walls to your soul are filled with advertisements, commercials, and the opinions of everyone who has every known and labeled you, turning inwards requires nothing less than a major clean-up.

Traveling from the known to the unknown requires crossing an abyss of emptiness. Experiences of disorientation and confusion. Then if we are willing to cross the abyss in curious and playful wonder, we enter an expansive and untamed country that has its own rhythm.

Time melts and thoughts become stories, music, poems, images, ideas. This is the intelligence of the heart, but by that I don't mean just the seat of our emotions. I mean a vast range of receptive and connective abilities, intuition, innovation, wisdom, creativity, sensitivity, the aesthetic, qualitative and meaning making. It is here that we uncover our purpose and passion.