Inner Revolution

Own your Gifts

Over the past few days I had many conversations around, stepping into your power and sharing your offering.

Interestingly it's easier to share other peoples quotes and beautiful services that resonate with us, than our own voice. I think a lot of times we can hide behind somebody elses wisdom when actually we have so much to share.

But its the fear of judgement of others "being too XX " so we hide in our comfortzone.

If we hide in the " I don't know what it is that i want to share with the world" - I say that's an excuse.

If we hide behind " i need to do this and the other training first before i can go out in to the world" - that's an excuse.

Most people I see have done so much work, so many trainings but feel fear of stepping forward. claiming there voice. TAKING UP SPACE.

And there are benfits behind these beliefs - they keep us safe. keep us in our comfort zone. Safe from judgement and criticise from others. Because you can't do anything wrong if you don't do anything.

You have so much knowledge, you are an expert in your field, whatever it is. and you know it. you can speak hours about it. share your gifts and committ to doing so. Decide on what you want and have your back for your decision. Take one little step after the other.  Always coming back to your Heart and Your Truths.

shape your life from the essence

shape your life from the essence

melani koch reiki master ubud

When you have the courage to shape your life from the essence of who you are, you ignite, becoming truly alive. This requires letting go of everything that is inauthentic.

How can you even know your truth unless you slow down, in your own quiet company? When the inner walls to your soul are filled with advertisements, commercials, and the opinions of everyone who has every known and labeled you, turning inwards requires nothing less than a major clean-up.

Traveling from the known to the unknown requires crossing an abyss of emptiness. Experiences of disorientation and confusion. Then if we are willing to cross the abyss in curious and playful wonder, we enter an expansive and untamed country that has its own rhythm.

Time melts and thoughts become stories, music, poems, images, ideas. This is the intelligence of the heart, but by that I don't mean just the seat of our emotions. I mean a vast range of receptive and connective abilities, intuition, innovation, wisdom, creativity, sensitivity, the aesthetic, qualitative and meaning making. It is here that we uncover our purpose and passion.



. bare.footed discovering hidden paths.
For the first time in a while I thought I've figured it out - it lasted about 2 weeks or maybe a month.
2 weeks of: yes! I know what I am doing, I know where I am going, I know where my home is, I know my path - I have a plan!
it felt so good, so grounded, so secure and comforting. the plan sounded so good. I mean, I constructed it. but I had to realize it sounded better than it felt in reality.
after a short getaway - being back in bali, I have my heart speaking louder than before and showing me that I need to peel away layers. layers of what sounds good - to create space for what feels good.
what feels good, what feels like expansion, what comes from the heart rather than from the mind. what is in alignment rather then rationally makes sense.
does this make sense?